

Makeup Tutorial

Angelina Jolie Makeup Tutorial - The Power of Contouring

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Best Angelina Jolie Makeup Tutorial Ever - The Power of Countouring

I’ve seen many Angelina Jolie makeup tutorials and, although sometimes disappointing, most of the time it has been great fun to watch. However there is this one tutorial that simply stands out. Once you watch it you will know what I am talking about.
You will see this girl
transform into this…
Best Angelina Jolie Makeup Tutorial Ever - The Power of Contouring
Believe it or not, this is NOT real Angelina Jolie. It’s still that same girl.
Best Angelina Jolie Makeup Tutorial Ever - The Power of Contouring
Best Angelina Jolie Makeup Tutorial Ever - The Power of Contouring
Best Angelina Jolie Makeup Tutorial Ever - The Power of Contouring
There is NO real Angelina Jolie in the video below. What you are about to see is achieved by means of makeup. Indeed, you can confuse this model with young Angelina, but once she stands up and walks you know she isn’t real.
As you are about to see it’s all about contouring and blending. Skillful contouring can give you dramatic, surgery-like effect. It’s not a secret that Angelina Jolie had several plastic surgeries – some obvious (her nose) and some not so obvious and are a matter of dispute (her lips and jaw), but what’s remarkable is that this girl ends up looking almost identical without any surgery.
The video is not in English, but it does have English translation running below. In any case, while I don’t suggest you do this to yourself, it’s fun to watch this girl transform into young Angelina Jolie right in front of your eyes. Best of all, it takes less than 10 minutes! Enjoy!

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